JavaScript Temporal Dead Zone Behavior
May 14, 2019 | Updated: May 14, 2019

In JavaScript, the temporal dead zone behavior occurs when a variable declared with a let or const keyword after it has been used. That's means, variable declaration comes later. As a result, it produces a ReferenceError.

In this article I will explain the JavaScript's temporal dead zone behavior in details with example.

Example Illustration

Look at the following sample code where the greetings variable is printed first and then declared with the var keyword. Because of hoisting behavior in JavaScript, this sample code prints undefined value for greetings variable.

var greetings = "hello world";

However, if you run the same code by replacing the var keyword with let or const keyword, it will produce ReferenceError.

let greetings = "hello world";
ReferenceError: greetings is not defined

Why? Why hoisting behaves differently when variable declared with let or const keyword?

In JavaScript, hoisting moves up the variable declaration (but not the variable initialization) to the top of their scope before executing the code. In hoisting, if the variable declared with var keyword then it is initialized with undefined value by default. But this default undefined value is not assigned to the variable if declared with let or const keyword, and hence produces ReferenceError. This is called temporal dead zone behavior in JavaScript which occurs when a variable declared with a let or const keyword after it has been used.


In a nutshell, a variable declared with let or const keyword do hoist but don't get initialized and hence produced ReferenceError. To avoid this temporal dead zone behavior, you should always declare and initialize variables at the top of their scope when declared with let or const keyword.

Happy JavaScript coding!


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