Python *args and **kargs
Apr 11, 2019 | Updated: Apr 11, 2019

In Python, the special syntax *args and **kargs are used to pass a variable number of arguments to a function.

*args is used to pass a non-keyworded, variable-length argument list to a function as a Tuple (Data Structure in Python).

**kargs is used to pass a keyworded, variable-length argument list to a function as a Dictionary (Data Structure in Python).

You can name *args and **kargs anything you like such as *myargs and **mykargs. However, it’s better to follow the convention followed by the python community (i.e. *args and **kargs).

In this article I will explain the special terms *args and **kargs in Python and their usage.

Function with Normal argument

Look at the below function which has a normal positional argument. If you want to call this function you always have to pass one argument only, anything else you will get an error.

def normal_args_function(args):    
    print (args)

# Call the function
normal_args_function(“hello args”)

# Output: 
hello args 

Here comes the magic of *args and **kargs to handle a variable number of argument list in a function call.

Function with *Args (special argument)

Look at the below function which has a *args argument. Now you can call this function with a variable number of non-keyworded arguments.

def special_args_function(*args):        
    print (args)

# Call the function with no argument

# Output: Empty Tuple as nothing is passed 
# Call the function with one argument
special_args_function("hello *args") 

# Output: Tuple with one item
('hello *args',) 

# Call the function with two arguments
special_args_function("hello *args", "special argument")

# Output: Tuple with two items
('hello *args', 'special argument') 

Function with **Kargs (special argument)

Look at the below function which has a **kargs argument. Now you can call this function with a variable number of keyworded arguments.

def special_kargs_function(**kargs):         
    print (kargs)

# Call the function with no argument

# Output: Empty Dictionary as nothing is passed 
# Call the function with one argument
special_kargs_function(greeting="hello *kargs")  

# Output: Dictionary with one item
{'greeting': 'hello *kargs'}
# Call the function with two arguments
special_kargs_function(greeting="hello *kargs", type="special argument")

# Output: Dictionary with two items
{'greeting': 'hello *kargs', 'type': 'special argument'}

As you already know **kargs contains a dictionary, so If you want to retrieve the the key/value pair of the dictionary you can use the items() method. Look at the example below.

def special_kargs_function(**kargs):
    for key, value in kargs.items():
	    print("{}: {}".format(key, value))

# Call the function with one argument
special_kargs_function(greeting="hello *kargs")  

# Output: 
greeting: hello *kargs
# Call the function with two arguments
special_kargs_function(greeting="hello *kargs", type="special argument")

# Output: 
greeting: hello *kargstype: special argument

Function with *Args and **Kargs together

Remember that, *args comes before **kargs while used together in a function. Look at the below example.

def special_args_and_kargs_function(*args, **kargs):        

# Call the function with no argument

# Output: 

# Call the function with one argument for *args, and one for **kargs
special_args_and_kargs_function("hello *args", greeting="hello *kargs") 

# Output: 
('hello *args',){'greeting': 'hello *kargs'}
# Call the function with one argument for *args, and two arguments for **kargs
special_args_and_kargs_function("hello *args", greeting="hello *kargs", type="special argument")

# Output: 
('hello *args',){'greeting': 'hello *kargs', 'type': 'special argument'}

Function with Normal and Special arguments together

Remember that, if you use *args and **kargs together with one or more normal arguments then always put the *args and **kargs at the end of your normal argument list. Look at the below function.

def normal_and_special_arguments_function (normal_args, *args, **kargs):      
    print (normal_args)
    print (args)     
    print (kargs)

# Call the function
normal_and_special_arguments_function("hello normal args", "hello *args", greeting="hello *kargs")

# Output: 
hello normal args('hello *args',){'greeting': 'hello *kargs'}


For your convenience, following are some key points to remember while dealing with *args and **kargs.

  • *args and **kargs are special syntax in python to pass a variable number of arguments to a function.
  • *args contains non-keyworded, variable-length argument list as a Tuple.
  • **kargs contains keyworded, variable-length argument list as a Dictionary.
  • *args comes before **kargs while used together in a function.
  • normal argument list positioned before *args and **kargs while used together in a function.

Happy Python coding!


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